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Aftercare instructions

Taking care of your henna after it is applied is an important part of the resulting stain and how long it will last.  The steps below will outline best practices to help you promote the best stain on you. 


Henna stains, last on average, for a week or two. Peak stain is about 2-3 days after the paste has been removed so if you are getting a design for a specific event please plan accordingly.  


Pre-Henna Care

Before getting henna there are steps you can take to get your skin ready.

  • Moisturize your skin in the days leading up to your appointment.

  • Shower, but do not use any moisturizer, oils, or spray tan, the day of the appointment, this could interfere with the staining process. 

  • If you’re comfortable with it, remove hair from the to be henna'd area; even small hairs can prevent full contact of the paste to your skin.

  • Dress comfortably, you will be wearing the henna paste for a few hours and you should be comfortable with the area exposed.

  • Get nails done a day or two before the henna appointment (If applicable).

Steps for best aftercare

Henna stains can take up to 48 hours after paste removal to fully develop. 

Stains start off orange in color and will slowly develop over the next 24-48 hours into a beautiful red/brown color. 

Keep it On & Warm

Keep the henna on for as long as possible. I have found henna stains best when left on for 4-12 hours.


I will often sleep with henna on, simply cover the henna with any breathable material like Metafix tape or a cloth wrap, even toilet paper wrapped around the area.


Do not wrap the design with things like plastic wrap, it will cause the skin to sweat which will cause the henna to run and ruin the design and stain.


Henna stains best on warm skin, if you are prone to cold hands you may want to consider having a heating pad, blanket or heater nearby to stay warm. 

Keep it Dry

DO NOT wash the paste off. 

Pick/Scrape the paste off or let it fall off naturally.


Avoid water on the area while paste is on AND for as long as possible after paste is removed.


Washing the paste off or getting the fresh stain wet can, and will, slow down or even stop the staining process. This will leave you with a lighter stain that does not darken as well and/or remain on the skin for as long.

Keep it Moisturized

Keep the skin moisturized for the duration of the stain. This will increase its longevity. 


Before washing, showering, or swimming I recommend protecting the area with a good moisturizer or oil (coconut oil works well). 


When drying the area pat dry, do not wipe or rub it dry and reapply moisturizer. 

Understand that many elements go into a henna stain and that the quality of the paste is only one aspect.


Other factors such as hormones, body chemistry, medicines, temperature, aftercare, and location of design are all variables that play a major role in stain quality.

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